Ancient wisdom blended with modern technology
What makes Wild Divine's Interactive Meditation so effective is our unique combination of the iom2 and our interactive biofeedback programs - we call them Journeys.
Together, they guide you through step-by-step relaxation training in interactive environments, providing real-time feedback so you can evaluate where you are and where you need to go.
Our Journeys can be accessed on computers as well as mobile devices and tablets.
Relaxing Rhythms
A 15-step journey through the world’s wisdom traditions. Join Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Dean Ornish, Sharon Salzberg, Nawang Khechog, Zen Master Nissim Amon and other mentors, guides and teachers.

Body Scan Meditation
Select your preferred avatar, scenery, music and length of time and be guided through an immersive body scan meditation by Zen Master Nissim Amon.
Enjoy 12 peaceful and engaging biofeedback events to promote your mind-body connection and increase your relaxation.

Relaxing Rhythms 2
A 10-step program containing guided meditations and interactive events. Each step contains an introduction; a guided meditation from well-known mentors, including Shinzen Young, Thich Nhat Hanh, Adyashanti, Rick Hanson, Pema Chodron and Jon Kabat-Zinn; and an interactive event where you use your breath to control your emotions and conquer different challenges.
Villa Serena
Villa Serena was once a stunningly beautiful and peaceful retreat where visitors could relax, refresh and recover from the worries and stresses of everyday life. However, just like our own minds, over the years what made it peaceful and serene has been neglected and forgotten, and it has fallen into a state of disrepair. Restore Villa Serena and restore your peace of mind.

Five Elements
Engage in five games that take you through an immersive journey based on the classical elements of the universe.
This program was designed for Virtual Reality - but is now being redeveloped for current VR systems.
For now, enjoy Five Elements in its normal, non-VR mode on desktop and mobile.
Mindfulness Meditation with Tara Brach
This nine-step guided meditation program features the work of Tara Brach, Ph.D., and focuses on mindfulness. As you progress through each step you’ll find yourself achieving greater self-awareness and developing a deeper sense of calm.

Zen Journey with Nissim Amon
Immerse yourself in the teachings of Zen Master Nissim Amon as you learn the history of the Buddha and take part in interactive guided meditations with real-time feedback. As you progress through the five levels, you will not only gain valuable insight, but you will also reach the ultimate goal of obtaining your Black Robe.
For Your Practice

Our Professional Program is designed to give Clinical Directors, Coaches, Counselors, Psychologists, and Therapists an effective, safe and innovative way of introducing meditation, mindfulness and relaxation training to clients. Find out how you can bring the power of Wild Divine biofeedback to your organization today.
For At Home Use

Published research has found that the use of Wild Divine's Interactive Meditation programs may, as part of a healthy lifestyle, help reduce the risk of or help living well with certain health conditions, including stress, anxiety, depression, pain and many others.