With Wild Divine's Interactive Meditation, our immersive experiences will lead you to wellness and relaxation. Built with real-time biofeedback, our iom2 self-regulation device is a guide to a healthy coping lifestyle.
Experience Meditation Like You've Never Imagined
Wild Divine's Interactive Meditation is unlike any other relaxation or stress-management program. With a biofeedback device known as the iom2, your breathing and heart rate guide your practice.

For Your Practice

Our Professional Program is designed to give Clinical Directors, Coaches, Counselors, Psychologists, and Therapists an effective, safe and innovative way of introducing meditation, mindfulness and relaxation training to clients. Find out how you can bring the power of Wild Divine biofeedback to your organization today.
For At Home Use

Published research has found that the use of Wild Divine's Interactive Meditation programs may, as part of a healthy lifestyle, help reduce the risk of or help living well with certain health conditions, including stress, anxiety, depression, pain and many others.