How Will You Use Interactive Meditation?


How It Works

For Your Practice

Our Professional Program is designed to give Clinical Directors, Coaches, Counselors, Psychologists, and Therapists an effective, safe and innovative way of introducing meditation and relaxation training to your clients. LEARN ABOUT THE RESEARCH 

Increased Client Satisfaction

Improve overall client experience. Create increased self-awareness and regulation positively affecting outcomes.

Greater Client Compliance

Track client progress, provide engaging experiences with 100+ guided meditations and interactive games.

Differentiate Your Practice

Evidence-based, effective, safe tool differentiates your practice and increases your clinic ROI.

For At Home Use

Unyte's Interactive Meditation self-regulation device and biofeedback-based platform will allow you to reinforce coping skills while engaging in relaxation in your own home.


Interactive Meditation & Relaxation in 3 Easy Steps


Connect the iom2 sensor


Launch your Journey


Monitor your body's relaxation state in real-time


"One of the most important tools you can incorporate into your life, to affect not only the longevity of your life, but the quality of your life, is a slower, deeper, breathing practice. These exercises do just that."

- Dr. Andrew Weil World-renowned leader in Integrative Medicine

"In my opinion, the best program for working at home or office on relaxation and self-regulation skills is the Relaxing Rhythms program."

Thomas M. Brod, MD UCLA

“My clients with PTSD, panic and anxiety disorders, and cardiovascular disease have clearly benefited from this approach. Thanks for making biofeedback training so accessible!”

Dr. Cindy Westergaard Clinical Psychologist

“Students in our campus health center really love it. It’s a unique product that allows them to explore relaxation and stress reduction techniques for the first time in their lives.”

Linda LaSalle Penn State University

“This product is very helpful for young people with anxiety as it teaches them to still their mind in a format that they are very familiar with - games.

“With Wild Divine, I learned to meditate and relax while enjoying myself immensely. I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life. The games are a fantastic tool that I now use whenever I feel stressed or uneasy.”

We use the biofeedback games with children and adolescents who are struggling with symptoms of anxiety. We schedule them for 30 minute sessions at a time and use them alongside mindfulness instruction. The system does a great job keeping clients focused. 

We have made it available for students in our campus counseling center. The students who use it really love it. It’s a unique product that allows them to explore relaxation and stress reduction techniques for the first time in their lives.